한부모가족의 건강성 관련 특성과 변인에 관한 연구

The Characteristics of Single-Parent Family Strengths and Related Variables

  • 발행 : 2006.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the strengths of single-parent families and the related variables based on the family strength approach. The major findings were as follows. First, good communication, family bond, children's adjustment and coping ability were characteristics of single-parent family strengths. Secondly, strengths of single-parent family were related to income and period of becoming a single-parent family. Thirdly, single parents who had a higher level of personal resources such as high self-esteem and economic stability perceived a higher level of family strengths. Fourth, single parents who had a higher level of social support perceived a higher level of family strength. Fifth, there was no interaction effect between personal resource and social resource on single-parent family strengths. Last, both personal and social resources had effects on the strength of single- parent family. Especially personal resource and self-esteem were the most important variables and had a strong influence on single-parent family strengths. The results of this study have important implications for theory, research and practice. Research on the strengths of the Korean single-parent family is new and more extensive investigation is required.



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