고려 말 신흥사대부의 개인문집에 나타난 아동양육(II)

A Study on Child Rearing in the High Officials' Collection of Works During the Late Period of the Goryo Dynasty (II)

  • 신양재 (서울대학교 대학원 소비자아동학과)
  • Shin, Yang-Jai (Dept. of Consumer & child Studies, Graduate School Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.28


The purpose of this study is to explore practices of the child rearing in the late period of the Goryo Dynasty. This study was using the historical method and the materials for analysis were the literatures written from the late thirteenth century to the fourteenth century in Goryo Dynasty, such as 'the Ikjaijip'(익재집), 'Mokeunjip'(목은집), 'Yangchonjip'(양촌집). According to the results, parents, grandparents, maternal grandmother, and an elder sister played important roles in child-rearing. And parenting roles were expected to give their children affections and consistent disciplines. In terms of sustenance for children, children were provided with boiled rice as principal food and seasonal fruit and rice cake as snacks. In housing habits, children, especially boys, shared the same room with their grandfather. And children were assured of physical safety and psychological protection through cultural practices, such as taboo, prayers, humble naming, first birthday celebration, and dreams of forthcoming conception. Finally, disciplining of children was focused on studies for Confucianism and shaping basic habits for cultivation of mind.



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