A Study on the Adapting Process of Nursing Students to Problem Based Learning

간호학생들의 문제중심학습 적응과정에 관한 연구

  • Yang, Bok-Sun (Department of Nursing, Margaret Pritchard University)
  • Published : 2006.02.01


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify the adaptation process to problem based learning(PBL) among nursing students who have experienced PBL classes for two years. Method: Data was collected from 11 nursing students with in-depth interviews and direct observation of their PBL experiences by a researcher who has been a facilitator for PBL class for 3years. Immediately after the interviews all of them were transcribed. It was analyzed by the Ground theory of Corbin and Strauss. Results: A derived core category was 'Acquiring PBL'. 4 stages of the acquiring process were derived and written in time sequence: chaos, confusion, beginning insight, and achievement stage. Conclusion: The results will not only expand understanding of the students for the facilitator and school which has adopted PBL but also provide information to develop an orientation program for PBL. Further research on the facilitator's role experiences is recommended.



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