고속철도 서비스품질에 관한 연구

A Study on the Service Quality of Korea Train Express

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The purpose of this study is to verify the dimensions of service quality of Korea Train Express(KTX) and to compare the service quality of KTX with that of general train. The researcher consisted of initial 32 items representing eight-dimension and analyzed the final quality dimensions of KTX. The collected data of passenger of 226 was analyzed by statistical procedures such as the iterative sequence of computing Cronbach's a, corrected item-to total correlations, and factor analyses. Through the repeated statistical process to puritY the items, a final set of 26 items representing six district dimensions; tangibles, timely responsiveness, empathy, comfort, information access and safety. The Results of independent samples t-test showed that the mean scores of all the service quality dimensions of KTX except for comfort were higher than those of general train. This finding will provide the more appropriate instrument to measure the KTX service quality as well as to improve the passengers' perception of the service quality.



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