중국 중년 여성들의 소비성향에 따른 의복태도와 구매동기

A Study on the Clothing Attitudes and Purchasing Motives According to Consumption Orientation of Chinese Middle Aged Women

  • 김용숙 (전북대학교 의류학전공 인간생활과학연구소) ;
  • 류국연 (중국 소주대학교 재료공학부) ;
  • 왕해연 (중국 요동대학교 복장계)
  • Kim, Yong-Sook (Dept. Clothing & Textiles, Research Institutes of Human Ecology, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Liu, Guo-Lian (Material Engineering College, Soochow University) ;
  • Wang, Hai-Yan (Dept. of Clothing, Yodong University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The purposes of this study were to identify clothing attitudes and purchasing motives according to consumption orientation of Chinese middle aged women. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Factors of shopping orientation were rich & fashion, economy & profit, traditional virtue & leisure utilizing, and frugality & pragmatism. Chinese middle aged women were classified into practicality pursuit group, material & fashion pursuit group, conservative leisure utilizing group, and negative stagnating group. 2. Factors of clothing attitudes were fashion, self-confidence & symbol, politeness, comfort, and luxury. Practicality pursuit group considered politeness of clothing more and did not purchase impulsively, but material & fashion pursuit considered many factors of clothing attitudes most. Conservative leisure utilizing group considered economy most, but negative stagnate group considered less. 3. Factors of clothing purchasing motives were fashion & conformity, fitness, impulse, and practical needs. Practicality pursuit group purchased clothing because of practical needs, but material & fashion pursuit group purchased of fashion & conformity, fitness, impulse, and practical needs.



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