성별에 따른 카페 인테리어 디자인 요소에 대한 감성공학적 분석

Analysis of Cafe Interior Design factors using Human Sensibility Ergonomics for Different Sex

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The difference of sex has been an object of interest and argument in medical, psychological, social, and cognitive science fields. This study started from the question of to what extent does the difference of sex have effect on successful interior design. In strive of resolving this, an experimentation of preference in terms of cafe interior design was performed with methods of human sensibility ergonomics. As the result, the difference of sex in preference regarding calf interior design could be observed. Males have main interest in the intensity of luminance, i.e. the brightness, whereas females attach importance to both qualify of light and color. In addition, there is a tendency for males to see cafe as a public place while females recognize cafe as a place for entertainment. Taking the result of this study into consideration can lead to successful gender specific cafe interior design.



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