Mt. Yokmang landscape design awarded first in [North container terminal site furtherance construction in Busan new port], design competition sponsoring in the Korea Container Terminal Authority in 2005. Design guideline was to propose the symbol of new port and to establish landscape plan in consideration of view and geological location. Because landscape plan required establishment of restoration plan for cutting slope, Mt. Yokmang became the major object. The purpose of planning are as follows. The first purpose is to minimize existent natural environment damage, and the second, to connect with ambit and create new image. The third is to provide place of rest and interchange for local resident. Reflecting stratum structure and landscape characteristics, cutting slope consisted of [utilization slope], [presentation slope], [landscape slope], and [ecological slope]. Vegetation design applied ecological restoration method through restoration of stratum, and eve environment-friendly afforestation, planned program that can connect area with existing ecosystem. In process that decides form of the cutting slope, analyze view structure and visual exposure in various access routes, sensitivity etc. was accomplished. Also, symbolic tower(Ocean Polaris) that presents in architecture and landscaping features, night landscape planning could gain synergy effect by keeping consistence with landscape and ecological planning. Passing through final design and construction process, I expect that the Mt. Yokmang will be a new landmark in Busan new port.