오픈소스 컴포넌트 활용에 있어서의 소프트웨어 개발방법론 적용에 관한 탐색적 연구: 마르미-III 방법론을 이용한 웹리포팅툴 개발 사례를 중심으로

A Study on Applying the Software Development Methodology as utilize Open-Source Components: A Case of Development a Reporting Tool using MARMI III

  • 김종배 (숭실대학교 대학원 컴퓨터학과) ;
  • 김두연 (교육인적자원부 교육행정정보화팀) ;
  • 류성열 (숭실대학교 컴퓨터학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.31


The companies are trying to apply to software development approach by utilizing open-source components. The open-source components are new alternatives to solve limits of the previous software developments such as quality of software, time and cost of development. Accordingly, various analysis of open-source components were performed. However, the researches about the detailed procedures and methods to utilize open-source components in practical industry are immature. In this paper, we propose the procedures and cases for identifying, validating, selecting of suitable open-source components and for applying to change and modification. Proposed procedures and cases will be a great contribution to spread of utilizing the open-source.



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