성공적인 전사적 아키텍처 구축을 위한 위험요인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Risk Factors for Successful Enterprise Architecture Implementation

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


Today, Organizations should be equipped with flexibility in order to cope with rapidly changing environment in management. By doing so, they are able to grow and obtain their superior competitiveness in highly developed economic arena. Recently, Enterprise Architecture is actively constructed to perform such a change flexibly. In this regard, it is crucial to figure out some risk factors for the organizations that place an order. Besides, it is also important to find out the quality of EA and some risk factors caused by the organizations that receive an order. Lastly, it is absolutely important to verify the relationship between such factors and outcomes of EA. In this aspect, this study will verify risk factors made by the former organizations and investigate the quality of EA and its outcome by proving the said relationship. In doing so, it will suggest an appropriate direction for the companies that will build up or perform EA successfully.



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