Time to time, we face patients who missed the proper time for primary palatal repair. Although we do not have enough available documents, it is important to establish efficacy of palatal repair in patients more than 4 years old. From May 1995 to March 2005, we selected 14 patients who underwent palatal repair in more than 4 years old patients and they are able to tolerate speech articulation tests. Out of 14 patients 5 males an 9 females in sex, aged form 4 to 50 years old. 6 patients with incomplete cleft palate and 8 patients with submucous cleft palate. Double reversing Z-plasty(n=5), pushback palatoplasty(n=4), two flap palatoplasty(n=2), von Langenbeck palatoplasty(n=2), and intravelar veloplasty(n=1) were performed. Preoperative and postoperative speech articulation test, "Simple method of speech evaluation in Korean patients with cleft palate", were conducted. Satisfaction rate was sorted into 5 levels. There is no significant statistical correlation in the speech improvement, satisfaction rate, patients sex, cleft type and operative method. But there is significant statistical correlation between the speech improvement and patienet's age. There were better result in younger patient group than aged patients group.