트랜잭션 연결 구조를 이용한 빈발 Closed 항목집합 마이닝 알고리즘

An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets Using Transaction Link Structure

  • 한경록 (한양대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 김재련 (한양대학교 산업공학과)
  • Han, Kyong Rok (Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Kim, Jae Yearn (Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


Data mining is the exploration and analysis of huge amounts of data to discover meaningful patterns. One of the most important data mining problems is association rule mining. Recent studies of mining association rules have proposed a closure mechanism. It is no longer necessary to mine the set of all of the frequent itemsets and their association rules. Rather, it is sufficient to mine the frequent closed itemsets and their corresponding rules. In the past, a number of algorithms for mining frequent closed itemsets have been based on items. In this paper, we use the transaction itself for mining frequent closed itemsets. An efficient algorithm is proposed that is based on a link structure between transactions. Our experimental results show that our algorithm is faster than previously proposed methods. Furthermore, our approach is significantly more efficient for dense databases.



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