청소년의 문제 조력을 위한 검사상담과 면담상담 비교

A compare analysis on the counseling of testing and interview for problem of adolescent

  • 투고 : 2006.10.10
  • 심사 : 2006.11.15
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


The purpose of this study was a compare analysis on the counseling of testing and interview for problem of adolescent. The subjects were 20 adolescents who had randomly assigned to an experimental group(10) and a control group(10). To obtain the data, relation of counseling, awareness of self, motivation of self, identity of career questionaries were used. To analyze data, ANCOVA, MANOVA were executed. The results were follows. First, the counseling of testing affected significantly on improvement of experimental group's awareness of self, motivation of self. Second, the counseling of testing affected significantly on improvement of experimental group's identity of career.



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