Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate job satisfaction and its related factors among radiological technologists. Methods: The subjects were 302 persons in various hospitals and the data were collected from 22 May to 17 July, 2005 using a structured questionnaire. It was composed of socio-demographic characteristics, job-related factors, and job satisfaction with the duty inner factors, the duty outside factors, and the organizational factors. Results: Men were more satisfied than women in their employment(p<0.05). Job satisfaction level of university hospital workers were higher than the general hospital, the hospital, and medical clinics. Job satisfaction level of the general radiological technologists showed lower than the chief radiological technologists (p<0.05). In monthly average grant, the more gained, the higher the satisfaction level(p<0.05). By multiple linear regression analysis, the related factors of job satisfaction level were medical field and duty position (p<0.05). Conclusions: The research shows that job satisfactions levels of the radiological technologists are determined by the health and safety of the work environment. Therefore more improvements must be made for radiological technologists to be more satisfied in their jobs.
직무만족도 전체에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인은 근무지와 직위이었으며, 근무지에 따른 직무만족요인 문항별 만족도에서 내적요인의 적성, 능력발휘, 직무수행능력, 책임감, 장래성과 외적요인의 신뢰감, 협동심, 존경심, 월급여, 생활정도와 조직적 요인의 승진시기, 승진기회, 승진원칙에 따라 만족도의 유의한 차이가 있었다. 방사선사의 직무만족을 위해서는 근무지와 직위에 따른 근무환경 등을 고려해야 할 것으로 생각된다.