JNK Regulation of Oncogenesis

  • Heasley, Lynn E. (Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center) ;
  • Han, Sun-Young (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University)
  • 투고 : 2006.03.28
  • 심사 : 2006.03.31
  • 발행 : 2006.04.30


The literature provides strong precedent for both pro-tumorigenic and tumor suppressor roles for the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) in the setting of oncogenesis. Clearly, JNKs are activated by numerous oncogenes and growth factors and the literature documents a role for these MAP kinases in cell proliferation and transformation. By contrast, JNKs mediate signals from diverse stimuli that result in cell death or differentiation and a role for JNKs as tumor suppressors has emerged. This enigmatic nature of the JNKs in the setting of oncogenesis is considered herein. Further illumination of the complex and context-dependent functions of the JNKs in cancer cells is of obvious importance for the rational use of small molecule JNK inhibitors as therapeutics.



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