페양액을 이용한 관비재배가 머스크 멜론과 오이의 생육에 미치는 영향

Effect of Using Waste Nutrient Solution Fertigation on the Musk Melon and Cucumber Growth

  • Zhang, Cheng-Hao (National Horticultural Research Institute, RDA) ;
  • Kang, Ho-Min (Department of Horticulture, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kim, Il-Seop (Department of Horticulture, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


생육시기별 멜론의 비순환식 수경재배 폐양액은 $NO_3$-N와 Ca 및 K 함량 등 양이온 함량이 높았고, 반대로 음이온은 약간 감소하는 경향을 보였다. pH는 5.7$\sim$7.0 사이를 유지하였고, EC는 멜론은 2.0$\sim$2.2 $dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ 사이를 유지하였다. 폐양액을 이용한 관비재배에서 멜론 식물의 초장, 근장, 그리고 엽록소 함량이 관비재배에서 증가하였다. 또한 과중도 417.1g 더 무거웠으며 과실의 $^{\circ}Brix$당도는 관비재배가 $13.3^{\circ}Brix$$1.4^{\circ}Brix$더 높았다. 오이에서는 오이식물의 생육에는 차이를 보이지 않았으며 과실의 크기도 유의성 있는 차이는 없었으나 관비재배가 수경재배에 비하여 총수량과 상품과율에서 우수하였다.

Waste nutrient solution(WNS) using non-recycled hydroponics for melon increased contents of $NO_3$-N and cataions, such as, Ca, K, while anions except $NO_3$-N were decreased slightly as the musk melon plants grew. pH and EC of WNS were maintained 5.7$\sim$7.0, 2.0$\sim$2.2 $dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$, respectively. The musk melon plants cultivated by fertigation using WNS showed longer plant height and root length, and higher chlorophyll content than that grown by hydroponics. The fruit weight of musk melon grown by fertigation using WNS were 417.1 g heavier than that cultivated by hydroponics and soluble solids contents of musk melon fruit cultivated by fertigation using WNS was $13.3^{\circ}Brix$, that was $1.4^{\circ}Brix$ higher than that grown by hydroponics. While the growth of cucumber plants and size of cucumber fruits were not different between in fertigation using WNS and hydroponics, total yields and marketable fruit percentage showed more in fertigation using WNS than in hydroponics.



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