Meiobenthos in Nha Trang Bay of the South China Sea (Vietnam)

  • Pavlyuk, Olga N. (A.V. Zhirmunsky Biology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Trebukhova, Julia A. (A.V. Zhirmunsky Biology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Published : 2006.09.30


The distribution of the taxonomical composition and the density of meiobenthos depending on the sediment type has been studied in bottom sediments of Nha Trang Bay. The maximal population density and the taxonomical diversity were observed in the silted coarse and heterogeneous sand ($1031.4{\pm}419.7\;ind.\;10\;cm^{-2}$), whereas the minimal level of density and diversity ($588.1{\pm}152.5\;ind.\;10cm^{-2}$) was in the coarse and heterogeneous sand with shell debris and corals. The correlation between the median diameter of sediment particles and population density of meiobenthos has been revealed (r=0.82, p<0.05). In bottom sediments of Nha Trang Bay, twenty six taxonomic groups of meiobenthos were observed. Nematodes dominated in all sediment types. Representatives of four orders, twenty eight families and ninety seven genera of marine nematodes were identified. The vertical distribution of meiobenthos in different sediment types was considered. A sediment column (10 cm height) was sectioned by five 2 cm portions. In the last layer (8-10 cm) the most number of meiobenthic groups was found in sandy sediments. In the lower layers of silt sediments, only nematodes were found.



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