중.노년 여성의 웰빙 추구 성향에 따른 화장품 사용 및 만족도

Use and Satisfaction on Cosmetics of Middle- and Old-Aged Women with Well-being Pursuit Disposition

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


The purpose of this study is to analyze the use and satisfaction on cosmetics of middle- and old-aged women with well-being pursuit disposition. A survey was conducted from January 20 to February 10 in 2006. The statistical analysis methods used to analyze the 393 middle- and old- aged female subjects were frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, crosstab, and multiple regression analysis. First, middle- and old-aged women were using functional cosmetics for wrinkle and whitening as well as skin lotion, moisture lotion and nutritive cream. They applied basic skin make-up only or partial make-up on the eyes and lips. Second, the well-being pursuit disposition factors were determined to be eco-friendly pursuit disposition, economical pursuit disposition, and health pursuit disposition. The well-being pursuit disposition factors had an effect on satisfaction of basic cosmetics. While the economical pursuit disposition factor had an effect on satisfaction of colored cosmetics. Third, the clusters from well-being pursuit disposition were determined to be wellbeing unconcerned group, eco-friendly concerned group, economical concerned group, and health concerned group. The proportion of subjects applying basic and colored cosmetics was high in health concerned group.



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