컨조인트 분석을 이용한 캐주얼 브랜드의 제품 개발 -외재적 속성을 중심으로-

Developing Fashion Products of Casual Brand with Conjoint Analysis -focusing on extrinsic attributes-

  • Choi, Sun-Hyung (Catholic University of Korea, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


The purpose of this study is to apply conjoint analysis to fashion product development. Conjoint measurement was undertaken on the traditional casual market, composed of Polo, Beanpole, Maru and Giordano brands. Product's attributes, such as brand name, price, country of origin and style, were selected as choice factors. Twelve profiles were used for full-profile stimulus cards method. Based on the importance and utility rates of the product attributes, preferences for the products currently in the market and simulated products were calculated. The results increased our understanding of the trends in traditional casual market and assisted in the preparation of marketing strategies for each brand.



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