The Effect of Human Capital and Social Capital on the Health Status of the Elderly

중고령기 건강에 대한 인적자본과 사회자본의 효과

  • Published : 2006.10.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of human capital and social capital, including employment status, education, income, social supports, and social participations, on the health status of the elderly aged over 50, after controlling for various demographic variables. Data were from the 6th wave of the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study(n=3,459). The major findings of this study were as follows: First, human capital and social capital were both resources that can contribute to improving the health status of the elderly aged over 50. Second, the effects of human capital and social capital on the health status of the elderly differed in the three subsamples defined by employment status. Based on the empirical results, policy implications were provided.



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