Food Preferences and Nutrient Density of Wedding Reception Food Consumed by the Community Residents in the Chungbuk Area

  • Kim, Myoung-Sook (Department of Food and Nutrition, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Ki-Nam (Department of Food and Nutrition, Chungbuk National University)
  • Published : 2006.12.31


A survey was conducted to investigate the preferences of wedding reception food, food consumption and its nutrient density, and the factors that influence nutrient density, in order to obtain baseline data for the development of an educational program on dining out. Subjects included 105 male and female adults who attended a wedding ceremony and consumed wedding reception food in the Chungbuk area between August and September 2004 and interviewed using a questionnaire. 63.0% of the subjects responded that they over-ate at the reception. 20.5% reported that they skipped the meal before the reception. The respondents who skipped the meal had more calorie intakes (899kcal) than those who did not (800kcal). In food preferences, noodles (51.0%), watermelon (47.0%), rice cake (39.0%), sweet and sour pork (38.0%), potato noodles stir-fried with vegetables (37.0%), beef rib soup with cooked rice (37.0%), bulgogi (35.0%), braised beef ribs (35.0%), fried shrimp (32.0%) were higher percentages in order. People preferred grain, meat and fatty food to vegetables. Total calorie intake from the reception foods were 881 kcal for males, and 769kcal for females. In evaluation of nutrient density, the density of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C and dietary fiber did not meet the standard of the recommended intake. Especially, vitamin C and dietary fiber were less than 50% of the recommended level. The main factors that influence the nutrient density were household incomes, occupations, marital status, and total fat consumed. In conclusion, an educational program should be developed and offered to improve their dietary quality.



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