안도 타다오의 작품에 표현된 일본 전통적 요소

Japanese Traditional Elements in Tadao Ando's Architecture

  • 발행 : 2006.12.25


The stage for Tadao Ando's architectural works is not only in Japan but extends to many countries around the world. His creations are not limited to the world of architecture, but are widely acclaimed supported by public people as well. Why Tadao Ando's works are acknowledged and acclaimed so extensively? Japanese traditional elements used in the his works makes it so. Tadao Ando argued intuition and insanity which were deprived by modernism could recover with locality and it's historic elements laid importance to the self. To realize that, it is necessary the regeneration of landscape which was based on the site and self-reflection must accomplished with the nature. So as to regeneration of landscape, he used Japanese Landscape-gardening and make the nature condensed. With the su-ki, he made the architectural elements simple. And with the Japanese detoured circulation, he made deep and various space. In that way, he intended the nature which is changed with his idea experienced the way of yu-gen.



  1. Tadao Ando, 피터아이젠만과의 서신왕래, 건축문화 8911
  2. Tadao Ando(1996), Tadao Ando complete works, Phaidon
  3. Kenneth Frempton(1991), Tadao Ando/The Exhibition of Tadao Ando, The museum of Modern Art, New York
  4. Henry Plummer(l995), Light in Japanese Architecture, a+u
  5. Tadao Ando(2000), Tadao Ando 1983-2000, EI Croquis
  6. 井上充夫(1969),日本建築の空間, 鹿島出版會
  7. 今道友信(2005), 조선미 역, 동양의 미학, 다홀미디어
  8. 伊藤ていじ(1988), 日本デザイン, 鹿島出版會
  9. 吉村貞司(1991), 日本美の特質, 鹿島出版會
  10. 安藤忠雄 외(2003), 安藤忠雄 建築展 2003再生-環境とJ建築/地底空間、デルファイ研究所