Cluster Analysis with Balancing Weight on Mixed-type Data

  • Chae, Seong-San (Department of Applied Statistics, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kim, Jong-Min (Division of Science and Mathematics, University of Minnesota) ;
  • Yang, Wan-Youn (Department of Applied Statistics, Kyungwon University)
  • Published : 2006.12.31


A set of clustering algorithms with proper weight on the formulation of distance which extend to mixed numeric and multiple binary values is presented. A simple matching and Jaccard coefficients are used to measure similarity between objects for multiple binary attributes. Similarities are converted to dissimilarities between i th and j th objects. The performance of clustering algorithms with balancing weight on different similarity measures is demonstrated. Our experiments show that clustering algorithms with application of proper weight give competitive recovery level when a set of data with mixed numeric and multiple binary attributes is clustered.



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