A Study on Expression Characteristics of Light in Interior Space based on Perception and Cognition

지각과 인지를 바탕으로 한 실내공간의 빛 표현특성에 관한 연구

  • 오승남 (건국대학교 건축전문대학원 실내건축설계학과) ;
  • 김종진 (건국대학교 건축전문대학원 실내건축설계학과)
  • Published : 2006.12.31


Apparently light does exist even if it does not have certain form that an object might have. The history of architecture can be told as the history of light. As various master architects as well as scholars mentioned, light has been recognized as one of the most important aspects in perceiving space. Although there are complex multi dimensions in body sense and perception, experiencing space through light is preliminary formed by the outline to the degree of brightness. Light gives space specific and unique character by limiting or enlarging the space by wrapping an object or by reflection of material surfaces or by the intensity of light itself. It is fundamentally important to recognize the essential relationship between light and perception of space through various medias such as material, form, movement and so on. Three types of space perception and cognition by light that have been categorized after studying the most significant writings on light become the core method to further analyze the selected case projects. In this research, we will study how interior space is expressed through different light conditions with above mentioned characteristics and how such expressions can be applicable to the design of interior space.



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