A Research of Shanghai Art Deco in the aspect of architectural decoration

건축 의장적 측면에서 본 상하이 아르테코에 관한 연구

  • 남경숙 (한양대학교 실내환경디자인과) ;
  • 서민원 (한양대학교 실내환경디자인대학원)
  • Published : 2006.12.31


This subject is about the research of Shanghai Art Deco in the aspect of architectural decoration and seek to offers an examination and analysis of the characteristics related to the Art Deco design, which appeared and dominated the field of design from 1910s to 1904s in Shanghai. Study method is a theoretical consideration of reference and gathering data through field trip. In order to carry out this subject, this study will research following factors. First, factors related to Art Deco such as the period of origin, background, spirit, aesthetics, design characteristics. This is followed by the influence of Art Deco movement begun in 1925. Second, the background of Shanghai Art Deco architecture style was studied. Third, the case studies of Shanghai Art Deco Architecture and interior decoration were researched by the expressive factors which were divided by style, form, material and color. As a result early style had compradore style about 1900, later reactionism prevailed of 1920 affected by European Art Deco. Skyscraper style was built and architecture developed with racial characteristics. It has vertical and streamline form of typical Art Deco and strengthen geometrical motive in architectural expression. It appeared naturally and has the contrast of different material in material expression. It has effect on strong color as using highborn and brilliant color in color expression. They appeared chinese national spirit by using 'ot painting' in western oriented furniture. The purpose of such an examination is to classify, understand and validate Shanghai artistic and socio-cultural heritage in order to better appreciate the life philosophy of Shanghai and re-discover their basic roots. Though it began as a Western cultural movement, it is the purpose of this study to discover the inherent orientalism in its basic formative spirit.



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