경관의 치유적 특질이 관광지 방문 선호 및 만족에 미치는 영향 - 경주 유산경관에 대한 미국인의 평가를 중심으로 -

Inflnuence of the Restorative Quality of Landscape on the Visiting Preference and Satisfaction for Tourist Destination - An Evaluation of Heritage Landscape of Kyongju by Americans -

  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The Attention Restoration Theory (ART) developed by Kaplan and Kaplan proposes that effortful directed attention required in normal life can be fatigued. Restoration can occur in a setting that has restorative qualities. The restorative quality described by the ART involves four concepts: being away, fascination extent, and compatibility. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the restorative quality of landscape influenced the preferences and satisfaction of visitors to an heritage landscape. Four kinds of heritage landscapes of Kyongju were used as environmental surrogates and 150 americans participated in the study. Hartig et al.'s Revised Perceived Restorativeness Scale (RPRS) was used as the psychological measure for the restorative quality, along with other measurement constructs such as cultural uniqueness and novelty. The results showed that RPRS was a reliable measurement tool for assessing the restorative quality of artificial landscapes. Factor analysis identified three valid factors: escape-fascination compatibility, anti-extent. Among the three factors, only two, escape-fascination and compatibility, were found to have important effects on visiting preference and satisfaction. Specifically, higher levels of preference and satisfaction were associated with higher levels of escape-fascination and compatibility. The results indicate that the restorative quality has a high possibility to be used as a frame of reference for assessing various types of landscapes, from natural to artificial. It was also proposed that restorative quality could better explain the experience of the landscape strongly related to specific purpose or motivation.



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