관점지향프로그래밍(AOP)의 소개와 응용

Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP) and its Applications

  • 발행 : 2006.12.26




  1. Gregor Kiczales, John Lamping, Anurag Mendhekar, Chris Maeda, Cristina Videira Lopes, Jean-Marc Loingtier, and John Irwin, "Aspect-Oriented Programming," ECOOP, pp220-242, 1997
  2. R. Laddad, AspectJ in Action: Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming, Manning, 2003
  3. eclipse AspectJ, "http://www.eclipse.org/ aspectj"
  4. Hridesh Rajan, Kevin Sullivan, "Generalizing AOP for Aspect-Oriented Testing," In the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Aspect- Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2005), 14-18 March, 2005, Chicago, IL, USA
  5. C. V. Lopes, T. C. Ngo. "The Aspect Markup Language and its support of Aspect Plugins." ISR Technical Report UCI-ISR-04-8. University of California, Irvine. 2004
  6. http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/ library/specification/ws-bpel/
  7. B2J, "http://www.eclispe.org/stp/b2j"
  8. witmate, "http://witmate.com/default.html"