홈네트워크 산업의 비즈니스 모델과 전략적 제휴 : 분석과 제안

A Study on Business Models and Strategic Alliance : An Analysis and Suggestion

  • 이희상 (성균관대학교 공과대학 시스템경영공학과) ;
  • 한현수 (한양대학교 정보통신대학 정보기술경영) ;
  • 노승종 (명지대학교 경영대학 경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


Increasing attention has been paid to the home network business in Korea. The rate of growth of the business, however, has not been as high as it was expected. In this study we first categorize the business into three classes of services, with five distinct players. The business models of the five players differ from each other, which in turn keeps the business from visible growth. Based on this observation, we applied business alliance theories to the home network business to find out ways to make the players cooperate with each other. And we proposed five cooperation strategies for three different classes of home network services. Finally we made some suggestions to remove obstacles against business cooperation among the players.



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