A Batch Arrival Queue with Bernoulli Vacation Schedule under Multiple Vacation Policy

  • Choudhury Gautam (Mathematical Sciences Division, Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology) ;
  • Madan Kailash C. (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ahlia University)
  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


We consider an $M^x/G/1$ queueing system with Bernoulli vacation schedule under multiple vacation policy. where after each vacation completion or service completion the server takes sequence of vacations until a batch of new customer arrive. This generalizes both $M^x/G/1$ queueing system with multiple vacation as well as M/G/1 Bernoulli vacation model. We carryout an extensive analysis for the queue size distributions at various epochs. Further attempts have been made to unify the results of related batch arrival vacation models.



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