Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review (가족자원경영과 정책)
- Volume 10 Issue 4
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- Pages.163-177
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- 2006
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- 1738-0391(pISSN)
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- 2713-9662(eISSN)
A Study on TV viewers' behavior on receiving family-related images reflected in soap operas and the determinants on it
텔레비전 드라마 수용자의 가족관련 이미지에 관한 수용행태 및 영향요인에 관한 연구
Lee, Seung-Mie
(Woosuk University) ;
Choi, Eun-Sil
(Korea Consumer Protection Board) ;
- Park, Mi-Hee (Korea Consumer Protection Board) ;
- Koo, Hue-Ryoung (Seoul National University)
- Published : 2006.11.30
The main purpose of this study was to examine TV viewers' behavior on receiving family-related images reflected in soap operas and find the relationship between TV viewers' family-related value and TV viewers' behavior on receiving family-related images reflected in soap operas with empirical data. The data were collected from 500 adults aged 20-49 living in Seoul area for 3 days(January 17 to 19 of 2006). Statistical methods used were frequency, percentage, regression analysis. The results showed that TV viewer's family-related values and socio-economic characteristics influenced the family-related image reception behavior. Especially viewers' values about child was the most significant variable affecting TV viewers' receptions of family-related images reflected in soap operas.