패션에서의 캐링 시스템[Carrying System]에 관한 사적 변천

The Historical Change of Carrying Systems in Fashion

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


The change into the information society converts people's daily lift into nomadic lifestyle, and this change of lifestyle needs to reinforce the portability in fashion. The purpose of this study is to know the historical diversion of the rallying system, characteristics and reason of this change after recognizing of the implication of fashion and portable methods. The carrying system from the primitive age to modern society was changed from use of body to designing potable equipments - belts, wrapping cloths, bags, pockets, etc. These are changed by modifying of the form of society and fashion. This change result from the development of technique, the entry of women in public affair, the change of life style, the impoverishment of nature. The carrying system of modern fashion means not only the spares in the clothing, but also a new attached system in which nomadic necessities are transformed or unified. The carrying system becomes one of the important details which designers cannot neglect in designing, and must be. developed with consideration of use and function.



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