This experiment was carried out to breed the cold-tolerant variety of Italian ryegrass(Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in Grassland and Forages Division, National Livestock Research Institute, RDA, Suwon from 1987 to 2005. New variety, Kowinner as a tetraploid variety was dark green in leaf color and growth habit in autumn and early spring was semi-prostrate and medium, respectively Kowinner as a medium or late-heading variety was 19th May in heading date. Flag leaf length of Kowinner was 29 cm that was the same as control variety, Hwasan 101. Length of longest stem and plant length of Kowinner were 70 cm and 97 cm that was longer 3 cm than those of Hwasan 101, respectively. Stem width of Kowinner was thicker than that of Hwasan 101. Expecially, Kowinner was very good in regrowth. Cold tolerance of Kowinner was slightly weaker than that of Hwasan 101 and slightly stronger than that of Florida 80. Dry matter(DM) yield(12,884 kg/ha) of Kowinner was 8% more than that of Hwasan 101. In vitro dry matter digestibility and total digestible nutrient(TDN) of Kowinner were 76.2 and 63.3% that was 1.6 and 0.4% lower than those of Hwasan 101, respectively.
본 연구는 이탈리안 라이그라스 내한성 품종 을 육성하기 위하여 1987년부터 2005년까지 농촌진흥청 축산연구소 조사료자원과에서 수행되었다. 신품종 '코위너'는 4배체 품종으로서 엽의 색은 농녹, 월동전 초형은 반포복형, 봄의 초형은 중간형이었다. '코위너'는 5월 19일경에 출수하는 중만생 품종으로 지엽의 길이가 29cm 로서 '화산 101호'와 같았으며 최장간장은 70cm로 '화산 101호' 보다 3cm 길었으며, 초장 은 97cm로 '화산 101호' 보다 3cm 길었다. 또한 '코위너'는 줄기 두께가 '화산 101호' 보다 두터웠으며, 1차 수확 후 재생이 양호하였다. '코위너' 품종의 내한성은 '화산 101호' 보다 다소 약하고 'Florida 80' 보다는 다소 강하였다. '코위너'의 건물수량은 14,345kg/ha로서 '화산 101호' 보다 8% 많았다. '코위너'의 사료가치는 in vitro 건물소화율(IVDMD)이 76.2%, 가소화양분총량(TDN)이 63.3%로서 '화산 101호' 보다 각각 1.6, 0.4% 낮았다.