실험동물의 발생이상 용어집

Terminology of Developmental Abnormalities in Common Laboratory Animals

  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


This paper presents the first version of a Korean glossary of terms for structural developmental abnormalities in common laboratory animals, mainly rats, mice and rabbits. This is a translation of the glossary entitled Terminology and Developmental Abnormalities in Common Laboratory Mammals that was edited by the International Federation of Teratology Societies(IFTS) Committee on International Harmonization of Nomenclature in Developmental Toxicology. The purpose of the Korean glossary is to provide a common vocabulary that will reduce confusion and ambiguity in the description of developmental effects, particularly in submissions to regulatory agencies worldwide. The glossary contains a primary term or phrase, a definition of the abnormality, and notes, where appropriate. Selected synonyms or related terms, which reflect a similar or closely related concept, are noted. Non-preferred terms are indicated where their usage may be incorrect. Modifying terms used repeatedly in the glossary(e.g., absent, branched) are listed in Appendix A, and syndrome names are generally excluded from the glossary, but are listed separately in Appendix B. The glossary is organized into broad sections for external, visceral, and skeletal observations, then subdivided into regions, structures, or organs in a general overall head to tail sequence. Numbering is sequential, and not in any regional or hierarchical order, Uses and misuses of the glossary are discussed. Updates of the Korean glossary are planned based on the comments received.



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