신생아 통증완화를 위한 약손요법 적용 효과

Pain Relieving Effect of Yakson Therapy for Infants

  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of Yakson therapy as a pain management tool oil the physiologic and behavioral reponses of infants with a painful heelstick procedure. Method: Infants were randomly assigned to a group that underwent a series of Yakson therapy and a control that received nothing before a heelstick. Heart rate, oxygen saturation, and NIPS were compared between the experimental (n=16) and control (n=16) infants during an undisturbed baseline and after a standard heelstick procedure Yakson therapy consisted of laying a hand on the back, and caressing the abdomen by hand for 5 minutes. Result: The pain scores of the Yakson group were lower than the control group. Foroxygen saturation, there were statistically significant differences between groups. For heart rate, there were no statistically significant differences between groups. Conclusion: This data suggests that Yakson therapy had a pain relief effect in behavior responses and $SaO_2$. Accordingly, Yakson therapy should be used as a nursing intervention for simple pain management for a heel prick.



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