NGN에서의 QoS 제공 기술

  • 발행 : 2006.10.25




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  13. Y. Jiang. "Link Based Fair Aggregation: A Simple Approach to Scalable Support of Per-flow Service Guarant ees." In Proceeding of IFIP Networking 2004
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  15. C. Dovrolis, D. Stiliadis and P. Ramanathan. "Proportional Differentiated services: Delay Differentiation and Packet Scheduling." IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking. Vol. 10.No. 1. Feb. 2002
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  17. N. Li. M. Borrego and S. Q. Li. "Achieving per-flow fair rate allocation in DiffServ," ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. Vol. 11. No. 2. April 2001
  18. M. Mahajan. A. Ramanathan and M. Parashar. "Active resource management for the differentiated services environment." International Journal of network Management. Vol.14. 2004
  19. A. Kortebi, S. Oueslati. and J. Roberts, " Cross-protect : implicit service differentiation and admission control." in Proc, IEEE HPSR.April 2004
  20. S. Oueslati and J. Roberts, "A new direction for quality of service : Flow aware networking," in Proc. conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI). April 2005
  21. Jingyu Qiu and Edward W, Knightly . "Measurement-Based Admission Control with Aggregate Traffic Envelopes, " IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, VOL. 9, NO. 2. APRIL 2001
  22. Matthias Grossglauser and David N, C. Tse. "A Time-Scale Decomposition Approach to Measurement-Bas ed Admission Control." IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. VOL. 11. NO. 4. AUGUST 2003
  23. Sugih Jamino Peter B. Danzig, Scott J, Shenker. and Lixia Zhang, '"A Measurement-Based Admission Control Algorithm for Integrated Service Packet Networks." IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, VOL. 5, NO. 1. FEBRUAIRY 1997
  24. Lee Breslau. Edward W. Knightly, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica. and Hui Zhang, "Endpoint Admission Control: Architectural Issues and Performance," SIGCOMM'00
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  26. Yingxin Jiang and Aaron Striegel "A Distributed Traffic Control Scheme Based on Edge-centric Resource Management." SIGCOMM '06