산지유역에서의 최적용수공급방안에 관한 연구

A Study of Optimal Water Supply Planning in Mountainous Area

  • Kim, Ji-Hak (Department construction & Urban engineering, Chungju national university) ;
  • Park, Ki-Bum (Department of Construction Information, Andong Science College)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


In this study used tank model and specific discharge to calculate low-flow of mountain basin and supply data that need in water resources plan. Low-flow is calculated byspecific discharge and area ratio method as resulted that calculate storage of low-flow by tank model was construed that showd all similar aspect. In judged to help in water resources plan establishment calculating low-flow using model to supplement uncertainty of observed data in that calculate of low-flow ungaged mountain area. It shows by economical and realistic plan until 12 years after development that run parallel and use economic performance analysis result valley flow and groundwater. But wide area water services and Chungju dam since 12 years onward was expose that is economic.



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