조정지댐에 유입하는 도시하천 오염특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Pollution Property of Urban River Inflow in Regulating Reservoir

  • Chang, In-Soo (Environmental Engineering, Chung-Ju National University) ;
  • Park, Ki-Bum (Department of Construction Information, Andong Science College) ;
  • Lee, Won-Ho (Civil Engineering, Clung-Ju National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


This study focuses on analyzing the inflow characteristic of contaminants of city water that flows into a main water system like a reservoir, and intends to provide basic data which can be efficiently reflected on water quality management policy and decision making of a reservoir. The conclusion obtained from the analysis of the inflow of a main water system by analyzing the inflow property of city water contaminants is as follows. In the case of Chungju-cheon stream which is the city water, pollution load from the basic outflow is low when it rains, and with high load of basic outflow during the dry season, due to the discharge of pollutants from the city, the quality of water becomes worse. In the case of Chungju-cheon stream, average BOD is $4.53mg/{\ell}$ when it rains, and the contaminants increase and flow in about 7.8% compared to the average BOD during the average droughty season. The average SS concentration in water is $798.67mg/{\ell}$ and increased 97.2% compared to the average droughty season.



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