대한한의학방제학회지 (Herbal Formula Science)
- 제14권1호
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- Pages.30-41
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- 2006
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- 1229-1218(pISSN)
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- 2288-5641(eISSN)
한국의 한약제제 생산현황과 발전방안
The Present State of Korean Herbal Preparation Production and Possible Improvement Plan
- 한결 (원광대학교 약학대학 한약학과) ;
(원광대학교 약학대학 한약학과) ;
- 이상규 (원광대학교 한의과대학) ;
(경희대학교 한의과대학) ;
- 김정숙 (한국한의학연구원) ;
(원광대학교 약학대학 한약학과)
- Han, Kyeol (Department of Oriental pharmacy, Wonkwang University) ;
Kwon, Dong-Yeul
(Department of Oriental pharmacy, Wonkwang University) ;
- Lee, Sang-Gyu (College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
Park, Seong-Kyu
(College of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University) ;
- Kim, Chung-Sook (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
Kim, Yun-Kyung
(Department of Oriental pharmacy, Wonkwang University)
- 발행 : 2006.06.30
Recently. the herbal industry has expanded into the herbal dietary supplements industry, the herbal cosmetics industry, etc. But still the main form of herbal drug usage is water extraction- packaging after herb preparation in private clinics. There was no report or data of investigations about industrial herbal preparations. To search for a better plan of herbal drug improvement and popularization. we surveyed the present state of Korean herbal preparation production. We made an industrial herbal preparation list, investigated the total amount of production, the chief items of manufacture. names of prescriptions each item is based on. scales of each production company, etc., and report on them on this article.