전라북도 지역발전을 위한 물류진단시스템구축 및 개선방안 제시에 관한 연구

Establishment of Regional Logistics System and Suggestion for Strategic Policies in Cheonbuk

  • 여기태 (우석대학교 문화사회대) ;
  • 박준배 (전라북도 세계물류박람회 조직위)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.31


The aim of this paper is to establish the evaluation system of improving urban logistics using the QFD(Quality function Deployment) model which can facilitate to grasp the improving degree of realizing the system conforming to the relationship of all process and the process improvement. At the first stage, the established system through the QFD method will be used to evaluate and diagnosis the level of urban logistics in Cheonbuk District. The second stage is to investigate the important components that can make prompt improvement of urban logistics. Then, the sensitivity analysis is to be performed and the degree of improving urban logistics will be presented according to the rising degree of the relevant components.
