Journal of Korea Association of Health Promotion (한국건강관리협회지)
- Volume 3 Issue 2
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- Pages.280-287
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- 2005
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- 1739-1741(pISSN)
The present and challenges of National Cancer Screening Program
국가 암 조기검진사업의 현황 및 발전 방향
- Published : 2005.12.01
The Government bean implementing the National Cancer Screening Program(NCSP) in 1999 and expanded its target population and target cancers. The target cancers of NCSP since 2004 are the five most common cancers in Korea: stomachm liver colorectal, breast, cervical cancer. One goal of the NCSP in 2005 is to include in its target population up to lower 50% of premiu of National Health Insurance. The Government and National Cancer Center have bee developing the protocol for the NCSP with associated related academic societies Health Centers operate the NCSP with National Health Insurance Cooperation. The Particioants of NCSP in 2004 are 1.34million, 14% of target population and the detection rate 2004 is 0.07%. NCSP has three challenges. Firstly, NCSP improves the participant rate through educating cancer screening increasing the access of screening(e.g. mobile screening unit), and increasing reimbursement fee Secondly NCSP assesses the quality of screening with related academic societies and implement the intervention for quality improvement. Thirdly, NCSP continues to increase the cost-effectiveness through modification of target population, screening interval, method, and information system.