브랜드 아이덴티티의 가치제안요소가 성별에 따라 태도와 구매에 미치는 영향

Impacts of Value Suggesting Factors of Brand Identity on the Attitude and Buying Depending on the Gender

  • 한광석 (대림대학 경영정보계열 광고홍보)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The purpose of this study is to figure out the effects of advertisements (functional value, sentimental value, self-expressing value) depending on the gender in regard of the attitude towards the advertisement, brand attitude, purchase intention, and the characteristic and quality of the product. From the study on the university students, there was a meaningful interaction among the independent variables in regard of attitude towards advertisement, brand attitude, purchase intention, and characteristic of the product in the four dependent measurements used for the index of advertisement effects. In terms of the attitude towards advertisements, brand attitude, purchase intention, and the characteristic of the product according to the gender and value suggestion, functional convenience was more influential for men compared to the sentimental convenience and self-expressing value. On the other hand, self-expressing value was more influential for women in terms of the advertisement effect and the characteristic of the product. The main effects depending on the gender were common in four dependent values such as attitude towards advertisement, brand attitude, purchase intention and characteristic of the product, and the average of all values was higher from women. Thereby, it can be said that women show more positive advertisement effects in terms of attitude and purchase than men. The main effects on the value suggestion were meaningfully indicated in advertisement attitude, brand attitude, and characteristic of the product except the purchase intention. Also, the functional and self-expressing value made better advertisement effect, while the sentimental value showed a comparatively lower advertisement effect. In terms of the sentimental value, a comparatively low advertisement effect was shown statistically compared to the functional and self-expressing value in all dependent values, but there was no big difference depending on the gender. That is, in terms of the sentimental value, a separate value suggesting advertisement can be more influential when it is combined with the functional value for men, and for women if it is combined with self-expressing value.
