육성 및 비육전기의 조사료 급여형태가 홀스타인 거세우의 성장 발육, 사료이용성 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향

Effects of Roughage Feeding Type during the Growing and Early-Fattening Periods on Growth Performance, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Characteristics in Holstein Steers

  • Kang, S.W. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Ki, K.S. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Oh, Y.K. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Kim, K.H. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.) ;
  • Choi, C.W. (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A.)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.31


Holstein 거세송아지 24두를 대상으로 육성 및 비육전기의 조사료 급여형태에 따라 3개 처리(T1: 농후사료+볏짚, T2: 농후사료+목건초, T3: 맥주박 TMR)를 두어 6개월령부터 23개월령까지 18개월간 사양시험 후 도체조사를 실시한 결과, 처리별 출하체중 및 일당증체량은 각각 751-802 kg(평균 782.3 kg) 및 1.064-1.159 kg(평균 1.122 kg)으로 모두 T2 > T3 > T1 순으로 높았고, T2의 일당증체량이 T1에 비해 8.9%가 개선되었다. 도체율, 등지방두께 및 등심단면적은 각각 60.6-60.9 %, 6.50-7.13mm 및 82.9-84.1cm2 이었고, 근내지방도 및 육색은 각각 3.1-3.3 및 4.0-4.1 이었으며, 쇠고기의 전단력 및 보수력은 각각 4.6-4.7 및 50.7-50.9로 이들 모두는 처리간에 유의차는 없었으나, 소득은 두당 882.8-991.7천원으로 T2 및 T3가 T1 보다 12-7% 더 높았다.이상과 같은 결과들을 종합해 볼 때 Holstein 거세우를 23개월령까지 비육할 경우, 근내지방도가 높은 쇠고기 생산이 가능하며, 육성 및 비육전기에 목건초나 맥주박위주의 TMR을 급여하면 볏짚보다 출하체중을 높여 소득을 향상시킬 것으로 판단된다.

Twenty four Holstein steers fed commercial concentrates with rice straw(T1), mixed grass hay(T2), or wet brewer’s grains based TMR ad libitum(T3) were used to investigate the effects of roughage feeding type during the growing and early-fattening periods on growth performance, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics. Growth performance and feed efficiency were investigated during the feeding trial conducted from 6 to 23 mo of age, and carcass characteristics were investigated after slaughter. Body weight at slaughter and daily gains were 751 to 802 kg(mean 782 kg) and 1.064 to 1.159 kg/d(mean 1.122 kg/d), respectively, showing that those for T2 were highest followed by T3. Compared with T1, the daily gain for T2 was improved by 8.9%. The TDN intakes per kg gain were 6.87, 7.17 and 7.15 kg for T1, T3 and T2, respectively, indicating that feed efficiency for T2 was improved(approx. 5%) compared with T1. The feeding treatments did not change dressing percentage(mean 60.8%), back fat thickness(6.68 mm) and rib-eye area(84.0$cm^2$). Neither meat quality characteristics nor physicochemical properties were significantly different among the treatments. However, economic analysis accounting for 882.8, 991.7 and 943.8 thousand won per head for T1, T2 and T3, respectively, indicated that T2 and T3 increased(7-12%) total net income compared with T1. Therefore, it may be concluded that high quality meat of Holstein steers can be produced if they are fattened until 23 mo of age and that feeding mixed grass hay as roughage or TMR containing mainly wet brewer's grains during the growing and early-fattening periods can improve growth performance compared with feeding rice straw.



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피인용 문헌

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