Application Effect in Standard Diet by Calorie for Korean Type 2 Diabetic Patients

한국인 제2형 당뇨병 환자를 위한 칼로리별 표준식단 적용효과

  • Sim Ki-Hyun (Institute of Korean Food, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Han Young-Sil (Department of Food & Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 심기현 (숙명여자대학교 한국음식연구원) ;
  • 한영실 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학)
  • Published : 2005.02.01


To develop the diet for Korean type 2 diabetic patients, a consumer survey was conducted (N=35) and was analyzed statistically. The survey compared the results of a questionnaire, somatometry, and blood parameters before and 8 weeks after the experiment. It was divided into Diabetic diet enforcement group (DDE) vs. Non diabetic diet enforcement group (NDDE). There was no significant difference in body weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat, triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) of the subjects before and 8 weeks after the experiment. DDE's average fasting glucose (FBG) and post prandial 2 hours blood glucose (PP2) were significantly decreased before and after the experiment (p<0.05). NDDE's average FBG and PP2 showed no significant difference. In terms of Hemoglobin $A_lC\;(HbA_1C)$ content, DDE's had significantly decreased level both before and after the experiment (p<0.05), while there was no significant difference in the NDDE group. Cholesterol and High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were significantly different in DDE (p<0.05) both before and after the experiment. Whereas in the case of NDDE, there was no significant difference on the cholesterol and HDL-C, while DDE's showed a significant difference before and after the experiment. In terms of patients distribution depending on their treatment (p<0.05), NDDE had no significant difference before and after the experiment. For an item asking blood glucose control, DDE had significant difference before and after the experiment (p<0.01), while NDDE had no significant difference. For program satisfaction (p<0.05) and health (p<0.001), both the groups changed significantly after the experiment. But there was no significant difference in applying it to their real life after the experiment. Based on these results, DDE had the decreased blood glucose levels, $HbA_1C$, and cholesterol and increased HDL-C, with decreased rate of the patients taking oral hypoglycemic agents. In addition, many of the patients who participated in the experiment were found to be satisfied with the program, in terms of having less trouble in glucose control and exhibited improvement in health. Hence, based on the above results it was concluded that program was a very successful one for the treatment of diabetes.



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