난이도가 다른 과제 수행에서 얼굴 표정, 행동, 언어를 통해 나타나는 아동의 자부심과 수치심 표현 - 4세와 7세 아동을 대상으로 -

4- and 7-year old Children's Facial, Behavioral, and Verbal Expressions of Pride and Shame by Task Difficulty

  • 김정민 (서울대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 유안진 (서울대학교 아동가족학과)
  • Kim Jung-Min (Dept. of Child and Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.) ;
  • Yoo An-Jin (Dept. of Child and Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


This study investigated differences in children's facial, behavioral, and verbal expressions of pride and shame by their age, and type and level of task difficulty when they succeeded or failed on tasks. The subjects were 55 4-year-old children from 2 day-care centers and 37 7-year-old children from 1 elementary school. Each child participated in pride and shame assessment sessions. Data were analyzed by means, standard deviations, repeated measures ANOVA, and paired t-test. When they succeeded on tasks, 4-year-olds showed more pride in behavioral expression than 7-year-olds. More pride in facial, behavioral, and verbal expressions were shown when subjects succeeded on difficulty than on easy tasks. Interaction effect for behavioral expression of pride was found between age and type of task difficulty. In verbal expression of pride, interaction effect was found between age, and type and level of task difficulty. When they failed on tasks, 7-year-olds showed more shame in behavioral and verbal expressions than 4-year-olds. More shame in facial, behavioral, and verbal expressions were shown when subjects failed on easy than on difficulty tasks. Interaction effect for facial expression of shame was found between age, and type and level of task difficulty.



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