Needs Assessment of Nutrition Programs in Public Health Center by General Characteristics and Body Mass Index of Community Residents

지역사회 주민의 일반적 특성 및 체질량 지수에 따른 보건소 영양사업 요구도 평가

  • Joung Hyojee (Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ahn Byung Chul (School of Economics and Finance, Yeungnam University)
  • Published : 2005.02.01


The purpose of this study was to assess the needs for nutrition programs in the public health centers by general characteristics and body mass index (BMI) of community residents. Information of general characteristics of study participants including age, education, income, marital status, residence, and job, and resident's interest in nutrition programs, the preferred educational methods and the willingness to participate in nutrition programs were collected by an interview. Weight and height were measured and were used to calculate the BMI. The program that resident's were most interested in was 'diet therapy for chronic disease and counseling' ($28.5\%$), followed by 'nutritional management for the elderly' ($21.1\%$), and 'obesity and weight control' ($17.1\%$). 'Education and counseling by nutrition professionals' was the most preferred educational method. Among the programs that the subjects would participate in, if they were offered in public health centers, $65.8\%$ subjects would participate in 'diet therapy for chronic disease and counseling' programs, $64.9\%$ would participate in 'nutritional management for the elderly' programs and $52.2\%$ would participate in 'obesity and weight control' programs. The contents of programs that the subjects were interested in, the preferred methods and their willingness to participate nutrition programs differed significantly by age, income, education, marital status, and body mass index. The results imply that the planning of nutrition interventions in the public health centers must be tailored and targeted group specific by taking the participants general characteristics and body mass index into consideration. This would surely increase the nutrition program's effectiveness



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