e-Commerce 쇼핑몰의 소비자 서비스 강화를 위한 활용연구

A Study on System Applications of e-CRM to Enforcement of consumer Service

  • 김연정 (호서대학교 디지털비즈니스 학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the enforcement strategy for Consumer Service marketing of an e-Commerce shopping mall. An e-CRM for a Cosmetic e-Commerce shopping mall, Data Warehousing(DW) component, analysis of data mining of the DW, and web applications and strategies had to developed for marketing of consumer service satisfaction. The major findings were as follows: An RFM analysis was used for consumer classification, which is a fundamental process of e-CRM application. The components of the DW were web sales data and consumer data fields. The visual process of consumer segmentations (superior consumer class) for e-CRM solutions is presented. The association analysis algorithm of data mining to up-selling and cross-selling indicates an association rule. These e-CRM results apply web DB marketing and operating principles to a shopping mall. Therefore, the system applications of e-CRM to Consumer services indicate a marketing strategy for consumer-oriented management.



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