신발류 치수체계 설정을 위안 노년 여성의 발 형태 유형화

Classification of Foot Types for Shoes Size System of Elderly Women

  • 박재경 (서울대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • Park Jae-Kyung (Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The purpose of this study Is to classify foot types of elderly women and young women and to suggest shoes size system by foot types for elderly women. The subjects were 321 elderly women and 181 young women. Their right feet were measured directly and indirectly by using scanner and digital camera. The anthropometric measurements were composed of 62 items. They were measured during the months of July and October in 2001 and November in 2002 The results and discussions of this study are as follows. First, in analyzing shape of the foot of elderly and young women, the shapes of foot were classified as N-type (high and narrow foot shape and wide toes), W-type (wider width for its length and severe alteration), L-type (low foot shape as oval). Second, the most characteristic foot type in elderly women was W-type. In this type, the width was wider for its length, the first metatarsophalangeal protrusion was severe and the toes were gathered at the center. On the other hand, young women belonged to N-type. Third, we suggested new size system of shoes for elderly women and the standard foot shape each type. The size system was based on foot length and foot types. Hopefully, understanding the shapes of foot and characteristics of each foot type will help to develop suitable shoes for elderly women.



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