저속 정후면 추돌시 머리구속장치 위치에 따른 목 상해에 관한 생체 역학적 연구

A Biomechanical Analysis in the Neck Injury according to the Position of Read Restraint During Low Speed Rear-End Impacts

  • Jo Huichang (Department of Automotive Engineering, Seoil College) ;
  • Kim Youngeun (Department af Mechanical Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


The driving position of head restraints and the relative risk of neck injury were studied in the computer simulation. MADYMO human model with the detail neck model was used to define the magnitude and direction of internal forces acting on the cervical spine during rear-end impact and to determine the effect of the initial position of the occupant's head with respect to the head restraints. Maximum reaction forces were generated during the head contact to the restraint and relatively large forces were generated at each spinal components in lower cervical spine in proportion to backset and height distance increasement.



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