A Study on the Availability of EIA in High School

지속가능한 개발을 위한 교육의 활성화를 위한 환경영향평가영역의 활용가능성 연구 - 고등학교 환경교과서를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2004.11.08
  • Accepted : 2005.02.03
  • Published : 2005.02.28


This study aims to analyze the objectives of environmental education in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) factors used EIA in 'ecology and environment' textbook, and finally to analyze the situation and contents level of EIA domain in textbook to explore the possibility of the positive availability of EIA domain in high school for realization of effective ESD. To analyze the objectives of environmental education in EIA and ESD factors used EIA, researchers used the text, the activity and the teaching tip in three kinds of 'ecology and environment' textbook by the 7th curricula as the object of analysis. Framework to analyze the objectives of environmental education in EIA is the category of environmental education objectives of UNESCO presented according to 'Tbilisi Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education' and framework to analyze ESD factors used EIA is developed on the basis of the theory about EIA and ESD factors updated in this study. In conclusion, it proves that the EIA domain through the activity is effective for realization of ESD. According to the analysis of the study, it is proposed that the follow-up studies on the improvement of EIA domain in textbook in both quality and quantity as well as 'the teaching & learning methods and various development of teaching materials, etc: based on the emphasis on the activity are needed to progress steadily for realization of effective ESD in high school in the future.



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