In this study, a method that can objectively and systematically design the layout of user interface components was developed. In order to explain its application method, the method was applied to the layout design of facsimile. In particular, in order to validate the suitability of the method, comparison tests were performed for the case of facsimile. Computer simulators for layout design were made using Micromedia Flash and comparison evaluation for an existing layout and a new layout was performed in three aspects. The first comparison method was to measure and compare its movement distance when carrying out a task in two layout models. The second one was to measure and compare users' performance. The last one was to measure and compare users' subjective satisfaction after using two models. As the result, new layout design was better than the existing design in all comparison tests. The movement distance of the new layout design model was shorter than the existing model. And, its performance including task completion time and error frequency was better and users' satisfaction was higher than the existing. In conclusion, the method that was developed in this study can be very effectively used in the layout design of user interface components.