UMM-based Business Process Analysis for Constructing an Internet Logistics Brokerage Agent

인터넷 물류중개 에이전트 구축을 위한 UMM 기반의 비즈니스 프로세스 분석

  • Jeong, Keun-Chae (Department of Structural Systems and Computer Aided Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
  • 정근채 (충북대학교 구조시스템공학과)
  • Received : 20050700
  • Accepted : 20051000
  • Published : 2005.12.31


In this paper, we propose an efficient internet-based logistics brokerage concept which can overcome the weakness of the traditional off-line method to intermediate between vehicle owners and shippers for matching empty vehicles and freights. For defining a business model based on the new concept and implementing an information system, it is necessary to analyze the business process for the internet-based logistics brokerage using a modeling methodology. In this paper, we analyze the logistics brokerage process using the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM) being utilized as a standard modeling methodology in the area of electronic commerce. After analyzing the business process, we can expect that the UMM can be used as a useful tool for modeling the business process of electronic commerce in which the description of the collaborative work is very important.



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